24&25 Feb 2024 - Maniprana members kept a thrift stall at a local fest with a pledge to donate all proceeds to Hosa Belaku, a centre for the abandoned and people with mental disability. Over two weeks we planned, sorted, arranged and priced pre-owned personal items including apparel, jewellery and accessories. The sale was a huge hit in the student town and last-minute well-wishers stepped forward to round up the donation amount to an impressive one lakh rupees.

Maniprana member, Vathsala Nayak, attended a workshop at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune. She called it a divine experience to practise in the hall that Yogacharya Guruji BKS Iyengar used to teach in. She attended sessions by Abhijata Iyengar and Pavithra Hareeth, and appreciated the asana nuances.

05 Nov 2023 - We kissed the Sun, frolicked in the sand and soaked in camaraderie on our overnight trip. From chilling at Om beach, ambling through old Gokarna town and trekking up to the majestic Yana caves, we covered miles by foot and car. A fitting farewell to some Maniprana members who were leaving Manipal after completing their studies.

03 July 2023 - A colourful evening unfolded showcasing yoga and creative talents of the Iyengar Yoga practitioners. Members shared their experiences of how Iyengar Yoga has helped them in their lives.

21 June 2023 - Led by senior teacher Shobha Shetty, it was a busy day for the Iyengar Yoga community of Udupi and Manipal, as we conducted several workshops and programmes. We started with an early morning pranayama workshop for the public, followed by an asana one for students of a charitable school in Kaup, and concluded with a celebratory event for Iyengar yoga students in the evening. Other Iyengar teachers of the area - Suchitra Nayak, Sandhya Kamath, Manjula Blazo and Vanita Pai - assisted Shobha ma'am and everyone's students gave a demonstration in the evening, which ended with socialising and dinner.

12 March 2023 - A full day in the Western Ghats to enjoy a spectrum of activities including hanging by the river, swimming, local sight-seeing and King Cobra sighting with specialist Gowri Shankar. Not to forget the scrumptious local cuisine in a traditional homestay (which we also toured).

5-6 November 2022 - Our overnight trip to Kudremukh in Chikamagaluru district was a huge hit. An overwhelming turnout made the outing really memorable and a good bonding opportunity. True sports spirit prevailed as everyone gave it their best shot and helped each other along the tough trek. Some bravehearts - including a teenager - who didn't think they'd complete the trek surprised themselves by reaching the summit! We also managed to take some time out for dumb charades and dance by the bonfire.

15 September 2022 - Senior Iyengar Yoga teacher, Shobha Shetty obliged us by conducting a special session to address issues faced by beginners in Sirsasana. She emphasised the connection between asanas like AdhomukhaSvanasana, PrasaritPadottanasana, etc. and the headstand and how improvement in one leads to ease and better alignment in the other. She also demonstrated the use of props such as blocks and additional support under the crown of the head, for shoulder lift and reduced pressure on the cervical spine.

24 July 2022 - Maniprana was the official Yoga Partner for IIMUN's Udupi edition held at St. Mary's English Medium School. Kadambari, Neha and Bhavyashri from Maniprana's children's batch were on the stage demonstrating before a hall full of students from various schools of the region.

13 May 2022 - We had the honour of holding a demonstration for the visit of Shri K Laxminarayanan, eminent banker of yesteryears and an avid yoga practitioner himself. We explained the purpose and benefit of the usage of props in Iyengar yoga. The highlight of the evening was the interaction between the guest and the child students of Maniprana, as he shared with them how yoga had benefitted him throughout his life.

6 March 2022 - After a break of two years, we were delighted to be able to meet, get to know all the new members of Maniprana and spend a relaxing day together.

29 December 2021 - Austrian footballer and yoga practitioner, Vladislav gave an inspiring demonstration of yog asanas.
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14 January 2021 - Maniprana opened its doors on the auspicious occasion of Makara Sankranti, amid a small gathering of family, friends and well-wishers.